Where does worship start? Babies instinctively adore those who protect and take care of them. It is our job to introduce them to the one who loves and protects them the most…Jesus. A child grabs on to songs of praise with such joyful innocence. This is not surprising, because we were made to praise. Learning how to give praise through song is a fantastic gift to give anyone. Lifelong worship begins as a child. Please help us ensure that we have a future generation of worshippers.

The Children's Choir  meets every Sabbath afternoon from 3:00-4:oo p.m.  Ages 2-14 are welcome to join.

Children's Choir is scheduled to sing on the 3rd  Sabbath of every month   We hope to see your child this year in Children's Choir . We have just the right size of worship for them!

“Give to the Lord the glory due His name.” – Psalms 96:8

For more information contact Sister Alicia Stokes